Sunday, January 26, 2020

Root Cellar Geni-Dig 2020

If any of you need a new event for your society, try a Geni-Dig.

It is a day long event with lots of do. Mambers gather to share their research, to share their genealogy, to share their experiences and to share their expertise, to share their favorite genealogy books,  to share their resources.... It is an opportunity to learn from others,  opportunity to share research,  to share technology,  an opportunity for an informal gathering of RootCellar members. Time for fun an enlightened experience. 

Setting Up for the Day.......... 8:00am

There were presentations- a member gave a short lecture on land records and old maps. Thanks Mike.

A flip-pal station for members to try it out on their photos. OR see a demo of what it came do. I have my own and love it AND I actually use it quite abit. I do recommend it. Root Cellar also has a Legacy/Flip Pal Self Help Support Group

Another station was for viewing and scanning 35mm slides, negatives and film. This piece of equipment is new to the society so it was just being tested. Not bad.

Another station was for copying/scanning .... using a computer and flat bed scanner.

Our in-house expert Glenda Gardner-Lloyd (nope, no relationship) was available to answer questions and general help. She is an excellent presentor, teacher. speaker, and all around good person and I consider her a good friend. She is always updating and educating herself. She is our top in-house expert. She gives classes several times a year through Root Cellar. Also conducts 10 week class sessions at the San Juan Adult Education Center on Sunrise Blvd, Citrus Heights. (but we are lucky to have many experts in our group)

In one corner of the room is a cozy sitting area with a screen and computer/internet set up for watching certain free webinars. Very popular.

Down the middle of the room were large round tables and chairs with all types of books that members brought in, and our librarian brought in from our own library.

AND a rotating row of experts, and computers- help always available

3:30pm Great time!....... A full room of many different activities.........  well done Root Cellar volunteers!  AGAIN well done!

My goal for the day besides checking out all the books available, was to scan my slides but neither method worked for me. I have 4 full metal containers of these slides. My slides are 2 1/4" squared and nothing fit them. That was vey disappointing but then I could eliminate these sources also.

top two are 35mm slides and the bottom two are mine 2 1/4" by 2 1/4" slides / 2 3/4" with border
(leave it to my dad to pick something out of the norm)

NOTE: I have given you the activies for our day but you can add or subtract activities for the space you have available. Good Luck

If you leave a comment or ask a question please leave your contact information too.

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